
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Snail Mail

One thing that absolutely always brightens my day is receiving snail mail. I love crisp, fresh letters sitting in my mail box. Reading words written out by the hands of someone you love is a wonderful feeling. I pour over the letters I receive in minutes, but save them for years.

My mission today was to write a couple old fashioned-letters. I love thinking that when someone reads my letter, they might get the same feeling I get when I read the letters I recieve. I wrote on clean cream colored paper with no lines in sight. I wrote out the thoughts I really wanted my friends to know, then signed each letter sloppily and added my best attempt at a drawing of a sunflower in the corner.

I'm no artist... here is proof.

The letters are sealed up in envelopes right now, under the shelter of flagged mail box. Stamps and addresses will help them to get to their owners. I hope that they can brighten a couple days once they arrive.

-Hannah Ruth

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