
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bright Weekend

This past weekend was pretty bright for me. I love weekends. In the school year, they're my chance to relax and get ready to push through another week. In the summer, it's time with my family members who work during the week. This weekend, there were a few people who really stood out as sunflowers to me.

1. Random Downtown Library Guy:
Probably about a month ago, my family had the joy of having our dear friend Kez stay with us for a week. It was a great week. While she was here, we took her to the downtown library and checked out lots of cookbooks so that we could make food from different countries. This Saturday, my sister and I drove back to the library to return them. I hopped out of the car and carried the heavy books over to the return. They were so big that I had to turn them in one by one. When I finally finished I began to walk back to the car. That's when I met Random Downtown Library Guy. He asked me what I was studying since my books were so big. When I told him they were cookbooks he said, "I love cooking, it adds spice to life!" I smiled, agreed, and climbed into the car. My sister thought he was creepy and he may have been, but his random friendliness brightened my day just the same.

Thank you, Random Downtown Library Guy.

2. My best friend, Elise:
This Saturday, one of my very best friends, Elise, got to go see Taylor Swift live in Ohio with tickets from her generous uncle. She knew how badly I had wanted to go. I'm pretty sure I know all the lyrics to every Taylor Swift song. I consider Taylor like my best friend who I just haven't met yet. Well anyway, Elise, knowing that I desperately had wanted to be there, called me during the concert just so that I could hear and sing along to the live songs. It was incredibly sweet of her and it definitely made my night.

Taylor Swift. Live. Through this little thing.

Thank you, Elise.

3. My very own Momma:
On Sunday, I was attempting to take an afternoon nap on the couch while my sister watched a TV show on the nearby chair. In the show, they mentioned something about going to Indianapolis and eating at a restaurant. It reminded me of when my family went to Indianapolis this spring and ate at The Old Spaghetti Factory. Images of my angel hair pasta covered in browned butter sauce and sprinkled with Myzithera cheese danced in my head. I could almost taste it. Suddenly, it was the only thing on my mind. I was craving it like a pregnant woman craves pickles. My dear mother had compassion on me and my stomach. Out of the kindness of her heart she found the recipe online and made it for me and the family.

Mmmmm: myzithera cheese, angel hair, and browned butter sauce.

Thank you, Momma.

-Hannah Ruth

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